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April 20, 2006



Eek. I know this will be no consolation, but I understand *exactly* the whole assignments thing. I too have scarily looming deadlines that I remain in denial about (other than to talk *about* them). I'm slightly alarmed by my blaseness about it all, given that as I'm no longer a spring chicken I *know* I can't handle a series of last-minute all-nighters. Argh.


Oh dear....I dont suppose it's any consolation to hear that it continues thus when you emerge from the vicar-making machine...long periods of grappling with rather demanding undergrowth, but occasional respite in the sunshine. But the sunshine is very very wonderful when you do get to glimpse it...and God is lurking in the undergrowth too...and assignments aren't really make or break, even though they feel that way...and you'll find that sermons get less overwhelming, truly...and all shall be well. It's such a beautiful afternoon here, I'm quite convinced of it. Hugs xx


I laughed so much at this "I may never post again (or not until the blog has turned brown at the edges,curled up and fluttered down from the branches of the Typepad tree). " it hurt :)

You are doing good. I know how you feel about assignments - I'm trying to write a course paper right now and delete more than I put together.

Be blessed and may the Holy Spirit whip through your hair like the wind in the moors.

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