D and I got back from Manchester yesterday after a few days staying with very old friends - his godparents as it happens, catching up on sleep, food and each others' lives, not necessarily in that order. We went for a walk on Monday on this hillside, which was much bleaker than the picture suggests (perhaps because it wasn't taken then....!) and though it was a Bank Holiday the moors were almost deserted in the wind - there were lots of people in the pub though. The climb up here is, in my book, almost vertical and showed me how unfit I was.
I'm feeling unfit in other ways too - I have two assignments due in next week (I'm not even sure which day!), one barely started and the other, which involves examining an ethical problem facing our local church in the light of 1 Corinthians 6, completely untouched and unthought about. The good news is that Sunday's sermon is finished, at least to the pont where it's ready to be wholly or partly rewritten a few hours before the service. I need to learn to take preaching much more in my stride. But as for the assignments, I've completely lost sight of the point of them.... too many big, prickly trees and no sign at all of any wood. This is one of those troughs where everything seems disorganised and obscure - I have the delusion that if I spent a few days tidying my paperwork and cleaning the house it would all be OK, but I haven't got a few days, but I can't find anything..... I know these times pass, but that's where I am at the moment! I'd rather be on the hills in the wind.....
One of the reasons I haven't blogged much lately is that life has been a bit like this, and much of it is unbloggable, and in any case I feel more comfortable posting carefully crafted, moderately uplifting or ironic pieces. But if I wait for one of those to get itself written I may never post again (or not until the blog has turned brown at the edges,curled up and fluttered down from the branches of the Typepad tree). So apologies to anyone who was looking to be amused or informed.... Off to bed now to recover from having got up at 5.30 to collect people from Heathrow... far too many early mornings lately may also have something to do with my state of mind.
Eek. I know this will be no consolation, but I understand *exactly* the whole assignments thing. I too have scarily looming deadlines that I remain in denial about (other than to talk *about* them). I'm slightly alarmed by my blaseness about it all, given that as I'm no longer a spring chicken I *know* I can't handle a series of last-minute all-nighters. Argh.
Posted by: Jackie | April 21, 2006 at 04:18 PM
Oh dear....I dont suppose it's any consolation to hear that it continues thus when you emerge from the vicar-making machine...long periods of grappling with rather demanding undergrowth, but occasional respite in the sunshine. But the sunshine is very very wonderful when you do get to glimpse it...and God is lurking in the undergrowth too...and assignments aren't really make or break, even though they feel that way...and you'll find that sermons get less overwhelming, truly...and all shall be well. It's such a beautiful afternoon here, I'm quite convinced of it. Hugs xx
Posted by: Kathryn | April 22, 2006 at 03:52 PM
I laughed so much at this "I may never post again (or not until the blog has turned brown at the edges,curled up and fluttered down from the branches of the Typepad tree). " it hurt :)
You are doing good. I know how you feel about assignments - I'm trying to write a course paper right now and delete more than I put together.
Be blessed and may the Holy Spirit whip through your hair like the wind in the moors.
Posted by: Lorna | May 02, 2006 at 11:57 AM