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November 19, 2007



Thanks for your comment - welcome back! Re your comment, I used to live in church accommodation too, with similar restrictive conditions!

I was really interested in your reflections - the church I used to be part of was also Toronto'd (it started while I was away in Romania, I came back and couldn't get my head round it at all) and it lasted a looooooong time there before calming down.


Good to have you back, even sporadically (though the irony of your waiting till the day after I'd finally tidied up my links is quite noticeable!)


Welcome back - You have been missed!


I have the same ambiguous relationship to blogging that you do! Thank you, though, for this post. Perhaps one day we will find the strength that we need in an online community---I hope I do so that I will blog more regularly.

Many wonderful blessings on your newly ordained status. Blessings.

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